Cards (10)

  • Large intestine - portion of the digestive tract extending from the ileocecal junction to the anus
  • Parts of the large intestine:
    • Cecum
    • Colon
    • Rectum
    • Anal canal
  • 18-24 hours are required for material to pass through the large intestine, compared to 3-5 hours required for chyme to move through the small intestine
  • 1500 mL of chyme enter the cecum each day, but more than 90% of the volume is reabsorbed, so that 80-150 mL of feces are normally eliminated by defecation
  • Cecum - proximal end of the large intestine, where it meets the small intestine at the ileocecal junction
  • Vermiform appendix - a smaller, blind tube about 9 cm long attached to the cecum
  • Colon - 1.5-1.8 m long, consists of 4 parts:
    • Ascending colon - cecum to right colic flexure
    • Transverse colon - right colic flexure to left colic flexure
    • Descending colon - left colic flexure to superior opening of true pelvis
    • Sigmoid colon - S-shaped tube that extends from pelvis to the rectum
  • Rectum - straight, muscular tube that begins at the distal end of the sigmoid colon and ends at the anal canal; lined with simple columnar epithelium
  • Anal canal - last 2-3 cm of the digestive tract; begins at inferior end of the rectum and ends at the anus
  • Hemorrhoids - enlarged or inflamed rectal veins in the anal canal