Chapter 11

Cards (46)

  • The assessment portion of the medical records helps to document the evaluation of the patient to support diagnosis and treatment decisions.
  • The primary purpose of medical documentation is to help health professionals communicate effectively, make informed decisions, and provide continuity of care.
  • Physician’s orders consist of directives for tests, treatments, medications, and follow-up care.
  • A patient’s medical record is considered a legal record of their medical history and health care.
  • A flow sheet contains a graphic record of a patient’s vital signs, medications, or other specific information over a period of time.
  • Progress notes that record information in a paragraph style using a narrative format.
  • An intake sheet includes demographic data and insurance information provided by the patient prior to receiving care.
  • Military time is based on a 24-hour cycle.
  • Most health care facilities have converted from paper records to an electronic format.
  • Benefits of using electronic physician’s orders include improved accuracy, accessibility, and efficiency in managing patient care.
  • The purpose of progress notes is to document the patient’s current status, changes in condition, and the effectiveness of treatments.
  • Family history is included in the patient’s history to identify potential hereditary health risks or conditions.
  • Health care facility quality assurance efforts include the review of patient medical records.
  • A problem-oriented medical record is organized around a patient’s specific health problems or diagnoses.
  • The assessment portion of the medical records helps to document the evaluation of the patient to support diagnosis and treatment decisions.
  • Objective data in a medical record refers to measurable and observable information (e.g., vital signs), while subjective data is based on the patient’s feelings or experiences.
  • The primary purpose of medical documentation is to help health professionals communicate effectively, make informed decisions, and provide continuity of care.
  • A source-oriented medical record is organized by the source of the documentation, such as a separate sections for laboratory reports, progress notes, etc.
  • Physician’s orders consist of directives for tests, treatments, medications, and follow-up care.
  • Advantages of computerized medical records include improved efficiency, accessibility, legibility, and reduced risk of errors.
  • A patient’s medical record is considered a legal record of their medical history and health care.
  • A key benefit of electronic charting is the ability to easily access and update patient information, improving overall efficiency and accuracy.
  • A flow sheet contains a graphic record of a patient’s vital signs, medications, or other specific information over a period of time.
  • SOAP stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan.
  • Progress notes that record information in a paragraph style using a narrative format.
  • Medical records include codes that document diagnoses and procedures.
  • An intake sheet includes demographic data and insurance information provided by the patient prior to receiving care.
  • Military time is based on a 24- hour cycle.
  • A social history is a record of a patient’s lifestyle, including occupation, education, marital status, diet, and alcohol and tobacco use.
  • Most health care facilities have converted from paper records to an electronic format.
  • Military time is used in health care to avoid confusion between a.m. and p.m.
  • Benefits of using electronic physician’s orders include improved accuracy, accessibility, and efficiency in managing patient care.
  • “Charting by exception” is a documentation talking about only the stuff that is wrong with the patient.
  • The purpose of progress notes is to document the patient’s current status, changes in condition, and the effectiveness of treatments.
  • Family history is included in the patient’s history to identify potential hereditary health risks or conditions.
  • Health care facility quality assurance efforts include the review of patient medical records.
  • A record is organized around a patient’s specific health problems or diagnoses.
  • Objective data in a medical record refers to measurable and observable information (e.g., vital signs), while subjective data is based on the patient’s feelings or experiences.
  • A source-oriented medical record is organized by the source of the documentation, such as a separate sections for laboratory reports, progress notes, etc.
  • Advantages of computerized medical records include improved efficiency, accessibility, legibility, and reduced risk of errors.