Chapter 3

Cards (9)

  • Frequency claim – claim that describes a particular rate or degree of a single variables
  • Association claims – argue one level of the variable is likely to be associated with a particular level of another variable
    • Correlational study – variables are measured + relationship between them is tested
    • Variables co-vary
    • Stronger the relationship = more accurate prediction
  • Causal claims – one variable is responsible for changing the other
    • Variables covary
    • One causes the other
    To move from association to causality:
    1.    Causal + outcome variable must be correlated
    2.    Causal variable came first, outcome later
    3.    No other explanations that exist for the relationship
  • Validity = appropriateness of a conclusion or decision
  • Construct validity = how well conceptual variable is operationalised (how well a study has measured or manipulated a variable)
    • Establish each variable has been measured reliably
    • Different levels of a variable accurately respond to differences
  • External validity = how well the results of a study generalise/represent people/contexts beyond the original study
  • Statistical validity = extend statistical conclusions are precise, reasonable + replicable
    • Point estimate = single estimate of some population value
    • Precisionconfidence intervals = given range indicated by a lower and upper value that captures the population value for some point estimate
    • Improves with multiple estimates
  • Internal validity = in a relationship between one variable (A) and another (B) – the extent to which A rather than another variable (C) is responsible for changes in B
  • Frequency claims  - construct, external + statistical