Chapter 22 - Business Expansion

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  • empire building - an attempt to increase the size of a firms staff and assets - empire builders want to dominate the market locally, nationally and/or globally
  • diversification - when a business widens the range of goods and services it sells, or enters into new markets
  • backward vertical integration - when a business expands back into the supply chain
  • forward vertical integration - when a business expands forward into the market for its products
  • Organic (internal) growth occurs when the business expands gradually over time using its own reaources
  • Inorganic (external) growth occurs when the business expands by using mergers, takeovers or forming strategic alliances with another business or businesses
  • horizontal integration - tow competing businesses join together
  • conglomerate integration - a merger between businesses that are in unrelated industries
  • hostile takeover - one firm acquires another business even though management oppose the acquisition