The Modern Prison System

Cards (9)

  • In 1985, a parliament committee called the gladstone committee said prisons should try to reform criminals while trying to deter them
  • The separate system was abolished in 1922 to improve mental and physical health of prisoners
  • When were open prisons introduced?
  • Open prisons had greater freedom such as working outside. They were used to help prisoners to reintregate into society
  • Modern prisons focused on education and social skills to reduce reoffending rate
  • Alternatives for prisons in the 20th century
    • Probation - Criminal released from prison but frequently visited by probation officer
    • Well behaved prisoners released early on parole
    • Community service
    • Electronic tagging
  • In 1908, juvenile courts were established, children being tried separately from adults
  • Borstals were introduced to encourage children to reform. Young offenders were placed in borstals, which were similar to an extremely strict boarding school
  • Borstals were abolished in 1982 and replaced with youth detention centers