Biological evolution is the change in the properties of groups of organisms over the course of generations.
Development (ontogeny) of organisms is not considered evolution.
Groups of organisms (population) undergo descent with modifications.
Pr primates and humans have cognitive abilities to recognize each other.
Ecological factors that increase exposure and thus jump rate include change in land use, agricultural practices, livestock practices, trading, bush meat use, water supply, climate change.
Selective sweeps eliminate polymorphisms at nearly regions of chromosome during a selective sweep, reducing genetic diversity close to the beneficial mutation.
If a queen ant does not carry a green beard and only BB, the ants carrying a green beard will kill the BB queen ant, as queens with a green beard are more likely to have the social gene.
Kin discrimination allows individuals to selectively direct cooperative acts to relatives, rather than cooperating with their own kind than with others.
Agriculture led to higher population densities, larger group sizes, closer interaction networks, and increased transmission opportunities.
If phenotypic classification into Europeans, Asians and Africans would have a genetic basis, it would be unexpected as most genetic variation is between these groups and not within them.
Balancing selection at the β-hemoglobin locus maintains genetic variation.
Spite can be selected for when relatedness between interacting partners is negative.
Inclusive fitness theory explains any adaptive patterns by natural selection, not only cooperation between relatives.
Extinction is permanent and creating new genetic variation takes forever.
Fewer of the tropical diseases are acute.
In ants, the green beard gene is strongly linked to the social gene.
Genetic diversity in orang-outans is much older and there are much deeper splits among orang-outans compared to humans.
Darwin’s statement: Natural selection favors individuals that maximize their inclusive fitness.
Northern latitudes have less sunlight and lower UV, requiring more vitamin D synthesis.
A higher proportion of the diseases conveys long-lasting immunity in the temperate zones than in the tropics.
There is a discrepancy between census size and genetic diversity in humans.
Mutually beneficial cooperation can be stabilized by high relatedness, but it is not essential to be selected for.
Modern humans spread out of Africa 60,000 years ago.
For altruism, relatedness between interacting partners must be high for altruism to be selected for.
Evolutionary factors: Genetic change in pathogen in the reservoirs, genetic change in pathogen during human infection.
The time to MRCA among humans is about 120kya.
Negative costs (c < 0) indicate a net benefit to the actor.
The Golden gene (SLC24A5) has probably evolved as an advantage in the north due to more vitamin D synthesis.
The Tgr-locus represents a genetic kin recognition mechanism.
Genetic species is genetically less variable than other species.
Patients either die or recover within weeks.
Neutral variants linked to beneficial mutations hitchhike to higher frequency when the beneficial mutation gets fixed.
The green beard effect is a mechanism for limited dispersal and kin discrimination, with common ancestry being the origin of high relatedness at the cooperative trait.
Familiarity via growing up together in a social group might be a good proxy for kin recognition.
IUCN lists all great ape species as endangered or critically endangered.
Most of the temperate diseases are acute rather than chronic or latent.
Many human diseases are caused by mutations that are nearly or completely recessive.
It matters with whom you interact and what the cost and benefit of the interactions are.
Recessive beneficial mutants spread slowly when they are rare.
Selfish behavior is bad for high relatedness as it increases one's fitness, decreasing the fitness of a relative.