Cards (11)

  • The U2 Crisis was a conflict that occurred in the 1950s when the United States was flying spy planes over the Soviet Union to gather intelligence and detect the possible threat of nuclear weapons.
  • The U2 spy planes flew very high and carried powerful cameras that could read Russian newspapers from 23 kilometers away from the ground.
  • The Soviet Union was fearful of the U2 spy planes and knew that the United States was flying planes above them, but they didn't have the technology to be able to shoot or capture them.
  • In 1960, the Soviet Union was finally able to shoot down one of the U2 spy planes, and the pilot of the captured plane was named Gary Powers.
  • The United States initially denied any involvement in the U2 spy plane, but eventually admitted that Powers was spying on the Soviet Union.
  • Khrushchev pulled out of the Paris Peace Summit which was hopefully going to help the relationship between East and West due to the U2 spy plane incident.
  • Gary Powers was jailed but later released for an exchange with the captured Soviet spy.
  • Espionage is essentially spying to gather intelligence and it occurred between the western allies, the UK with their intelligence agencies being the MI5 and MI6, and America having the CIA and Nato, and the eastern bloc with the Soviet Union having the KGB.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were Russian communist spies accused of running a spy network in America stealing secrets about atomic weapons, and they were the only spies executed during the Cold War.
  • Claus Fruix was a German theoretical physicist who was considered one of the greatest nuclear spies during the Cold War, he worked for Hitler during World War II and fed information from the Manhattan Project back to the Soviet Union.
  • The Cambridge 5 were a group of KGB secret agents that operated in the United Kingdom from the 1930s to 50s, they gave information back to the Soviet Union.