Cards (6)

  • Emotional Tests
    Albert showed no fear response to the objects before conditioning . In fact hospital attendants and alberts mother reported they had never seen him in a state of fear or rage . Never cried. The first time the bar was struck behind his head the researchers recorded his response.
    ”The child started violently his breathing was checked and the arias were raised in a characteristic manner”
  • Session 1 : Establishing a conditioned response
    Albert was tested again this time with a white rat. When the bar was struck he jumped and fell forward burying his head on the table where he was sat but did not cry. When the bar was struck the second time he fell forward again this time whimpered.
  • Session 2 : Testing the conditioned emotional response
    When retested a week later Albert showed a new response to the rat. This time he just stared at it. When the rat was placed nearer he reached carefully but withdrew when the rat started to nuzzle his hand. Alberts cautious behaviour was tested by giving him some blocks to play with which he did happily. After further joint stimulation pairing the rat with the loud noise he began to cry “ and began to crawl rapidly away “
  • Session 3 Generalisation
    Albert played happily with the blocks but when shown the rat immediately responded with fear indicating he retained his conditioned response to the rat. His response to the rabbit was as extreme as to rat. Burst into tears and crawled away. Neither fur coat dog produced a response as extreme as rabbit. cautious with cotton eool and displayed no response to Watsons hair, playing with it
  • Session 4 : Changing the environment
    After being taken to a new environment Albers responses to rabbit dog were less extreme than before . After further freshening up conditioned fear response was stronger . Even when the fear response was weak it was noticeably different from his reaction to the building blocks he played with them happily and never whimpered
  • Session 5 : Effect of time
    Albert responded to test objects in a clearly different way than to control objects (blocks). His reaction to fury objects was not as extreme as previously but he still whimpered occasionally cried