SS Quiz

Cards (21)

  • Tianmat - creator goddess
  • Nammu - goddess of water
  • Inanna/Ishtar - goddess of earth, love, and war
  • Amaterasu (Japan) - goddess of the sun
  • Guanyin (Korea) - compassionate bodhisattva
  • Parvati/Anapurna (Hindu) - goddess of power, nourishment, and order
    • Confucianism 
    • Set by the five cardinal relationships
    • Men are highly regarded than women both in family and political life
    • Taoism
    • Symbolized by yin - the female element, the earth, the moon, even numbers, and broken lines
    • An important element in maintaining balance and harmony
    • Hinduism/Buddhism
    • Exemplified by Sita as a dutiful wife and mother, model of faithfulness and purity
    • Denied attainment of nirvana
    • Judaism
    • Mother of great kings and prophets
    • Biblical women are models of loyalty, filial piety, compassion, and love
  • Code of Hammurabi:
    • Women were considered to be good that may be traded
    • Marriage was a commercial transaction between 2 fathers
    • Child marriage was allowed
    • An unfaithful wife may be punished by death 
    • Women were prohibited to engage in trade
  • Code of Manu:
    • The code was against the practice of bride price
    • The ideal couple is when the groom is twice or thrice older than the bride
    • The father who refuses to marry off his daughter is committing a crime
    • A Brahmin caught having relations with a prostitute is going to hell
  • Child marriage refers to any formal marriage or union between a child under the age of 18 and an adult or another child
  • Dowry refers to the money, goods, or estate a woman brings to her husband or his family in marriage
  • Concubinage is a practice where the husband takes another woman to live with the legitimate wife in their house
  • Foot Binding was done by intentionally breaking the arch of the feet to reduce it to a small size, Such feet were called lotus feet or lily feet.
  • Sati/Suttee: the ancient Hindu tradition where a widow would throw herself on her husband's funeral pyre and burn to death. This was initially a voluntary act considered courageous and heroic but later on became a forced practice unless you were on your period and have young children to raise.
  • Purdah System: it was inaugurated by Muslims and later adopted by different Hindu groups in Asia. Men were scared that if other men saw their wife's faces then they’d steal them so women were not allowed to go out but if they were to go out they would have to cover their faces.
  • Kisaeng: they were women from outcasts and slave families that courtesans who provided artistic entertainment and conversations to upperclass men in Korea
  • Geisha: professional class of women whose occupation was to entertain men. They were trained in singing, dancing, flower arrangement, calligraphy, playing the samisen, and tea ceremony. 
  • Female indanticide -deliberate killing of newborn if they dont have the desired gender. in china, the desired gender was males while in other countries it was women