the kidneys role is to reabsorb water by osmosis to maintain the water potential of the blood
the loop of henlé is the countercurrent multiplier mechanism
the ascending limb is impermeable to water
the descending limb is impermeable to ions
in the ascending limb Na+ / Cl- actively transport into the medulla
in the loop of henle Na+ / Cl- diffuse into the medulla
in the descending limb the medulla has a low water potential so water moves into the medulla by osmosis
the collecting duct has a higher water potential than the medulla so water moves into the medulla by osmosis
water is reabsorbed into the capillary network
a fennec fox has a longer Loop of Henle so it can reabsorb more water as there will be more time for active transport of ions into the medulla creating a larger water potential gradient so more water can be reabsorbed
a frog doesn't have a loop of henle as it lives in water so can absorb it all the time