Gait terminology

Cards (4)

  • 1 Gait cycle:
    • terminology for the movement of one limb through one stride from heel contact to heel contact
  • 1 gait cycle can be split into 2 phases:
    • stance phase - when standing on the leg, 60% of gait cycle
    • swing phase - when leg is going through the air, 40% of gait cycle
  • Gait terminology - NEED TO KNOW
    A) heel strike
    B) foot flat
    C) mid stance
    D) heel off
    E) toe off
    F) acceleration
    G) mid swing
    H) deceleration
  • Gait terminology (can be used for anyone, including abnormalities) - NEED TO KNOW
    A) initial contact
    B) loading response
    C) mid stance
    D) terminal stance
    E) pre swing
    F) initial swing
    G) mid swing
    H) terminal swing