Methods of practice

Cards (7)

  • Whole practice is practice by doing the complete or entire movement.
  • Whole practice is not breaking the skill into subroutines or parts. (Eg- whole tennis serve)
  • Part practice is practice by splitting or breaking downa skill into subroutines or sections. (Eg - tennis serve by doing a toss up)
  • Positives of Whole practice
    • Quickest
    • Good for simple skills due to low level of complexity
    • Good for discrete skills
    • Helps overall understanding and development of mental picture
  • Negatives of whole practice
    • Difficult to refine or identify errors - high in organisation
    • Can be difficult to learn for beginners and cognitive performers
    • Not suited to learning complex skills - complex
  • Positives of Part practice
    • Good for performers with limited attention
    • Good for serial skills or skills low in organisation as sub routines can be isolated.
    • Limits information to process so less demanding for beginners
  • Negatives of part practice
    • Unsuitable for highly organised skills as sub routines cant be isolated
    • Can limit mental image creation for cognitive performers
    • Takes more time to learn each sub routine