creation of elements

Cards (54)

  • Who starter the Bigbang model In 1927?
    George Lemaitre
  • what are the 3 evidences of the bigbang model?
    abundance of elements in the universe, expansion, cosmic microwave background radiation
  • what will happen if there’s a fusion between elements?
    gamma radiation
  • what causes the universe to expand?
    Abundance of elements in the universe
  • what happens when the elements in the universe reacts?
  • what do you call the wave that has the ability to escape from the earliest moments of the bigbang?
    gravitational waves
  • there is a required temperature and pressure for elements to form. yes or no?
  • what is the first element to form in the universe?
  • what will be created when an element particle reacted with hydrogen?
  • isotope - a form of an element with the same atomic number but a different atomic mass
  • what happens with the help of temperature, pressure, and gravity?
  • who wrote the Aplher-Bethe-Gamow Paper?
    Ralph Alpher, Dr. Hans A Bethe, and George Gamow
  • when was the Alpher- Bethe-Gamow paper made?
  • what do you call the 3 remnants of radiation?
    alpha, beta, gamma
  • what do you the process of nuclear reactions that is used to produce/create new elements?
  • nucleosynthesis - it is the reaction between atoms
  • what are the 3 distinct ways on how the elements were formed?
    bigbang nucleosynthesis, stellar nucleosynthesis, supernova nucleosynthesis or stellar explosion
  • what nucleosynthesis did the light elements form?
    Big Bang nucleosynthesis
  • what was formed after the bigbang?
  • after how many minutes did the formation of light nuclei occur?
    3 minutes
  • what are the first four light elements? (in order)
    hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium
  • after the cooling and expansion what was the nuclei of hydrogen and helium able to do?
    attract electrons
  • what is form when the nuclei of H and He attract electrons?
    full atom
  • what light element can react to other types of atom?
  • what element is unstable that causes it to reverse back into a hydrogen?
  • What do you call the charged ions?
    elementary particles
  • how long did the bigbang nucleosynthesis last in second to minutes?
    10 seconds to about 20 minutes
  • What causes radiation between nuclei?
  • Hadron is what type of particle?
    elementary particle
  • What will be released if there was an emotion of radiation?
  • What gives the identity to an element?
  • What temperature does the stellar formation requires? high or low?
  • H2 or 2H also stands for?
  • Nuclear fusion - The joining of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus.
  • same temperature = same charged
  • What type of temperature measurement is commonly use in science?
  • Did the proton outweighs the neutrons as the cosmos cooled? True or false
  • what is the hydrogen isotopes that is highly reactive?
  • What do you call the H3 or 3H?
  • In nuclear fusion there is no certain temperature needed for the same charged to attract each other. Yes or no?