Cards (16)

  • Transition table
  • State diagram
  • A parity checking machine : proces bitstring from left to right
    needed :
    • intital state q0
    • final state q1
    accepted if it ends in q1, rejected otherwise
  • parity
    if an integer number is odd or even
  • runtime
    number of steps it requires to compute
  • runtime parity
    log_2 (n) + 1
  • Determinstic finite automate
    finite state machines
  • DFA : accept/reject strings by sequentially processing symbols :
    1. a finite and nonempty set of internal states Q
    2. the alphabet
    3. a transition function that describes the inner working
    4. a desgined start state
    5. a subset of accept states
    5-tuple M = (Q, alphabet, delta, q0, F)
  • State diagram rules :
    1. States are denoted by circles
    2. circles connected by directed arrows + alphabet symbols label them
    3. transition function is characterized by the arrows + labels
    4. start state is the circle with the arrow out of nowhere
    5. accept states are double circles
  • DFA computations
    A) string
    B) accepts
    C) exists
    D) q0
    E) rn
    F) accepts
    G) rejects
  • DFA state has exactly one exiting transtion arrow for each symbol of the alphabet + arrows can only be labeled by symbols from the alphabet.
    --> improves predicatability --> deterministic
  • NFA breaks the rules in two ways :
    • for each circle there can be zero/one/more than one exting arrow
    • the arrow labeled empty
  • NFA accepts a state if the probaility of ending up in a accept state is strictly larger then zero. Nondeterminism is really a statement about possibilities (not probabilities)
  • equivalence between NFAs and DFAs
    all computations performed by a NFA an be perfectly reproduced by a DFA, however, there may be an enxponential overhead in number of states required
  • It can be very expensive to build a DFA taht does the same job as NFA
  • NFA
    Non-deterministic finite automaton