acetate -> mevalonate step uses HMG-CoA reductase - this is the RATE LIMITING STEP
increase cholesterol -> decreased reductase
eating a lot of cholesterol causes the liver to reduce cholesterol production
primary sites of steroidogenesis
adrenal gland
gonads (ovary, testis)
secondary sites of steroidogenesis
sites of cholesterol synthesis
adrenal gland
ovary, testis, placenta
accounts for 60% of cholesterol synthesis
cholesterol transport in blood
lipids have to be escorted around the blood (packaged) by lipoproteins
lipoproteins are not molecules, not particles made up of thousands of molecules
contain triacylglycerol, phospholipids and cholesterol and amphipathic proteins called apolipoproteins
lipoproteins differentiated on basis of density and kind of apolipoprotein they contain
VLDL, LDL, HDL, chylomicrons
the function of LDL is to deliver cholesterol to cells, where it is used in membranes, or for the synthesis of steroid hormones
as VLDL particles are stripped of triacylglycerol, they become more dense
these particles are remodeled at the liver and transformed into LDL
cells take up cholesterol by receptor-mediated endocytosis
LDL binds to a specific LDL receptor and is internalized in the endocytic vesicle
cells make own cholesterol
cells take up LDL and converts that into free cholesterol
negative regulation:
reduce cholesterol production, if necessary
increase acyl CoA cholesterol acyl transferase
ACAT esterifies cholesterol
esterified cholesterol is the form that is stored inside the cells
esterification requires coupling of cholesterol to a fatty acid (monounsaturated; oleic acid)
decrease LDL receptors
decrease uptake of LDL and, therefore, more cholesterol
cholesterol transport: within the cell
StAR: steroid acute regulatory protein
inside of cell is aqueous
StAR helps cholesterol get across between outer and inner mitochondrial membrane
exact mechanisms unclear
StAR independent processes exist
placental steroidogenesis is StAR independent
no crossing, no steroid hormone production
synthesis of pregnenolone
1st step in steroid hormone synthesis (ignoring all vitamin d derivatives)
Enzyme: cholesterol side chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc)
occurs in the mitochondria
required for synthesizing 5/6 classes of steroid hormones
availability of cholesterol via StAR is RATE LIMITING
P450 enzymes
cytochrome P450 (pigment 450) is a generic term for a group of oxidative enzymes. they absorb light at 450 nm in their reduced states complexed with carbon monoxide
NADPH-dependent oxidation of steroids
associated with mitochondria or smooth ER
four possible actions of P450 enzymes:
introduce an oxygen atom to form a hydroxyl group
oxidize hydroxyl groups to form an aldehyde
cleave hydrogen bonds
HSD (hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases) steps are generally reversible
what else regulates steroid hormone production?

peptide/protein hormones frequently regulate the production of steroid hormones. the complement of peptide/protein hormone receptors on the cell dictates what kinds of responses and hormone production will occur
generally, steroid hormones are not stores in tissues
steroid hormones are released into the circulation after their synthesis
plasma transport of steroids
vitamin d binding protein (DBP)
corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG)
cortisol, progesterone
sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)
testosterone, estrogen
thyroxine binding globulin (TBG)
thyroxine (not a steroid hormone)
retinol binding protein (RBP)
retinol (vitamin a) (not a steroid hormone)
plasma transport of steroids
all of the major steroid binding proteins are made in the liver
very little sequence homology between them
very little homology between the ligand binding domains of these proteins, the steroid receptors, and the substrate binding domains of P450 enzymes
freeing the steroids:
there are fenestrations in the capillary walls
the fenestrations allow the steroid to cross through with the steroid binding protein
the binding protein goes along with the steroid to the target cell membrane, at which point it releases it
hormone is free to diffuse through the cell membrane to find a receptor
hormone concentrations at target
signaling at producing cell
rate of synthesis
most highly regulated aspect
positive and negative feedback
rate of delivery
high, low blood flow regions
rate of degradation
half life, excretion
factors influencing steroid hormone concentrations in blood
rate of synthesis
rate of catabolism
excretion by kidney, inactivation by liver
tightness of binding to carrier proteins (effects tests of hormones)
hormone half life
time required to reduce the circulating plasma concentrations of a hormone by one half in the absence of new hormone secretion
occurs primarily in the liver
increases water solubility - easier to excrete
conjugation with sulfate and/or glucuronides
steroid hormone receptors:
in the plasma membrane
in the cytosol
most common
in the nucleus
on the ER?
main function of steroid hormone receptors is to induce gene transcription
most dimerize and bind to a matching hormone response element
hormone response elements
hormone response elements are in the promotor region of genes
can either enhance or repress the transcription of the gene product
class III nuclear hormone receptors (except ER): AGAACA
all other members (class I) + ER: AGGTCA
most nuclear receptors bind as dimers so the hexameric motif is repeated twice to form a hormone response element
for a steroid hormone to regulate (turn on or off) gene transcription, its receptor must:
bind to the hormone
bind to a second copy of itself to form a homodimer or another similar receptor to form a heterodimer
be in the nucleus, moving from the cytosol if necessary
bind to its response element
bind to other protein cofactors
when the stress hormone cortisol - bound to its receptor - enters the nucleus of a liver cell, the complex binds to:
the positive response elements of the many genes needed for gluconeogenesis - the conversion of protein and fat into glucose resulting in a rise in the level of blood sugar
the negative response element of the insulin receptor gene thus diminishing the ability of the cells to uptake/store glucose from the blood
nuclear receptor superfamily
the receptors consists of at least three functional modules or domains. From n-terminal to c-terminal, these are:
a domain needed for the receptor to activate the promotors of the genes being controlled
the zinc-finger domain needed for DNA binding (to the response element)
the domain responsible for binding the particular hormone as well as the second unit of the dimer
the domain structure of the protein of members of the nuclear receptor superfamily: