How is alcohol eliminated from the bodu and how does it leave chemically unchanged?
More than 90% of alcohol is eliminated by liver, 2-5% is excreted unchanged in urine, sweat, or breath.
Describe how Alcohol is primarily oxidized in what part of the body.
Most of the ethanol in the body is brokendown in the liver by an enzyme called alcoholdehydrogenase.
Explain how and where alcohol is absorbed.
Alcohol passes into the stomach and 20% is absorbed into the blood stream through the stomach.
Explain how the concentration levels necessary to be considered 'Under the influence' have changed over the year.
It changed bc someone's BAC (BloodAlcoholConcentration) is alwayschanging regardless of height, weight, age, etc.
How can a breath test be measured & explain the device utilized- How does a breathalyzer function?
Alcohol vapor in breath reacts to potassium dichromatic (orange) when alcohol is present, it makes solution green. The color change creates an electrical current which breathalyzer can convert into a value to determine BAC.
What happens to the alcohol level in a blood specimen from a living person overtime if not properly stored?
It makes lose 10-19% of its alcoholcontent over 35 days of storage.
What is the 'burn off' rate for alcohol in an average sized individual? Would you expect there to be a difference between males & females? Why?
It is at the rate of .016BAC per hour. The rate is trueregardless of person size, but it would be different for women due to them being more prone to having morefat.
How does carbon monoxide enter the body & what component of the blood does it combine with?
It is inhaled & the component hemoglobin produces carboxyhemoglobin.
What is the most confirmatory test used in forensic toxicology? Why?
Screen tests, Gas Chromatography, mass spectrometry bc they are able to detect and recognize different chemicals.
What bodily flids would a toxicologist want to obtain to exam if a persons suspected to b under the influence of a drug?
Urine, blood
What 2 types of tests must be done to ensure the accuracy of the laboratory's conclusions?
TLC and Gas Chromatography
Can blood levels alone be used to draw conclusions about the effects of a drug on a person?