Features of human gas exchange system

Cards (7)

  • Cartilage
    • Found: Trachea and bronchus
    • Provides strength to trachea and bronchus
    • Holds the airway open - prevents collapse of airway when air pressure falls
  • Surfactant
    • Found: Coats surface of lungs
    • Phospholipid layer which maintains moisture but reduces surface tension to stop alveoli collapsing when air pressure falls
  • Smooth muscle
    • Found: Lining trachea - bronchioles
    • Can contract to constrict (narrow) the airways
  • Goblet Cells
    • Found: Lining trachea - bronchioles
    • Secrete mucus which traps particles of dust and bacteria which are breathed into the lungs
  • Ciliated epithelial cells
    • Found: Lining trachea - bronchioles
    • Beat regularly to move mucus up the airways towards the mouth to be removed.
    • Helps keep the airways clear and prevent infections
    • Contain lots of mitochondria to provide energy required to move cilia
  • Elastin (protein)
    • Found: Lining of all airways and alveoli
    • Allows lung tissue to stretch when breathing in and filling up the lungs, recoil when breathing out to help force air out of the lungs
    • Allows alveoli to return to original shape after exhaling
  • Squamous epithelium
    • Found: Lining alveoli
    • Gives a short diffusion distance pathway for oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli, cell layer only 0.05-0.3 micrometres wide