
Subdecks (1)

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  • Secondary hazards of earthquakes
    - large landslides= esp in mountainous areas
  • Primary hazards of earthquakes
    - ground shaking= ranges in duration and severity based on mag of earthquake and distance from epicentre
    - crustal fracturing= visibly sepetare and deep fissures in ground created
  • Earthquake waves
    - Secondary waves(S waves)= make ground shake violently
    -> only produced by some earthquakes
    - love waves(L waves)= cause most damage inc crustal fracturing
    -> only travel across surface and large amplitude
    - primary waves(P waves)= when tectonic stress is released
    -> fastest but least damage
  • underwater earthquakes
    - move seabed= water displaced~> tsunami?
    - can be shallow=smaller or deep focus=bigger tsunami
    - waves travel fast in deep water= happen w/o warning
  • Deep focus earthquakes
    - focus= 70 to 700km under earths surface
    - caused by previously subduct end crust moving towards core either heating up or decomposing
    - less damaging bc shock waves have to travel further= less shaking at surface
  • Shallow focus earthquakes
    - focus= 0 to 70 km under earths surface
  • Terminology
    - focus= where pressure is released underground and where energy radiates out from= place with strongest waves= most damage
    - epicentre= point directly above centre of earthquake on surface
    - seismic waves= energy released from focus in shock waves
    ->most damage=where shock waves are strongest eg close to epicentre
  • Caused by relapse of built up stress
    - plates=always moving= tensions can build up
    - tension can be suddenly released when strain overcomes elasticity of rock
    - release of stress= parts of surface to expand intense shaking motion for a few seconds
  • transfer of energy
    - large amounts of energy released
    - transfers vertically to surface and moves outwards from epicentr(point on surface above focus) as seismic waves
    - after fracture rocks may regain original shape but in new position
  • Processes at conservative plate margins
    - no volcanic activity
    - earthquake= high magnitude shallow focus (<70km deep) and common
    -> eg San Andreas fault in California
  • Process at collision margins
    - meeting of two continental landmasses making a fold mountain belt
    -> collision between indo austrialian and Eurasian plates= Himalayan mountain range
    - no volcanic activity
    - earthquakes= very rare, but when they do happen= high magnitude and low focus(<70km deep)
  • Process at convergent margins
    - deep sea trenches and fold mountains
    - volcanic activity= violent bc of high viscosity lava
    - earthquakes= high magnitude and deep focus (up to 700km deep)
    ->eg in western South America
  • Process at divergent margins
    - volcanoes= basaltic and parodic low viscosity lava
    - earthquakes= low magnitude and shallow focus(<70km deep)
  • slab pull
    -convergent boundaries the high density ocean floor is being dragged down by gravitational force= slab pull beneath continental crust
  • Wegener's continental drift hypothesis
    -1912= sepesre continents once joined as a supercontinent
  • Gravitational sliding
    Elevated altitudes of oceanic crust at ridges at divergent plate boundaries - create a 'slope' down which oceanic plates slide
  • Holmes' hypothesis
    -1930s= earths internal radioactive heat was driving force of convention currents in mantle which could move tectonic plates
  • sea-floor spreading
    -1960s= discover magnetic stripes in oceanic crust
    -palaeomagnetic signals from past reversals of earths magnetic field prove that new crust is made at mid ocean ridges via sea floor spreading
  • Lithosphere
    -consists of crust and upper mantle->tectonic plates
    80-90km thick
    -changes in thickness depends on if oceanic or not
    Ocean crust= 6-10km
    Continental crust= 30-40km
  • Asthenosphere
    -part of the mantle
    -semi molten
    - below lithosphere(which floats on top)
  • Mantle
    -semi molten
    - between core and crust
  • The core
    -central part of earth
    -inner core= solid
    -outer core= liquid
    Both cores made from iron and nickel
    - source of radioactive heat
  • Intraplate earthquakes
    -associated with ancient fault lines re activated by tectonic stresses
    -zones of weakness crested as plates move and stress increases
  • Intra plate volcanoes
    -volcanoes can happen at hotspots
    -mantle plumes rise towards surface generating basaltic volcanoes
    -plume doesn't move the tectonic plate moves slowly over the plume
    -continued plate movement=chains Of volcanic islands which become extinct furtherest away from plume
  • Causes of INTRA plate earthquakes=hotspots
    -hot mass of rising heat under a weakness in a plate
    -magma rise to surface thro weakness
    -eg Hawaiian islands formed bc of mid pacific hotspot
  • Distribution of plate boundaries
    -tectonics hazards happen at SPECIFIC POINTS normally associated with plate margins
    -eg earthquakes can happen where into Australian plate collides with Eurasian plate=collision zone
  • Tectonic hazards
    -natural/geophysical event with potential to threaten life n property
    -happen at ALL plate boundaries
    -uneven distribution of hazards some areas are high risk some are low risk
  • Continental plates
    - thicker 25-75km
    - less dense
    -granite rock
    - do not subduct
  • Oceanic plates
    - make up ocean floor
    - high density
    - made of basaltic rock
    - 7-10km thick
    - subduct under other plates
  • Conservative plate margins
    -aka transform
    -plates slide horizontally
    -crust is not destroyed or produced
    -plates snag against each other
    -friction and pressure builds up=plates can't take stress= ground shaking
  • Divergent plate margin
    -aka constructive
    -plates move apart
    -convection currents push plates apart= gap
    - magma fills gap
    - new crust generated as plates are pulled away
  • Convergent plate margin
    -aka destructive
    -oceanic plate goes subducts under continental= crust destroyed
    -rocks catch against each other bc plates aren't smooth
    -pressure between plates builds up until stress can't be taken= plates split past move= ground shaking
  • Secondary hazards of earthquakes
    mountainous areas= large landslides
    • Developing countries struggle to recover bc of lack of infrastructure and resources
    liquefaction= when eq compact loose sediment of silts sand and gravel that are waterlogged
    • compact ground forces water to rise to the surface and damage to buildings and infrastructure= common
    sub marine earthquakes-> tsunamis w/ devastating effects
  • primary hazards of volcanoes
    ash falls(tephra)= solid material of varying rain size ejected into atmosphere
    • buildings collapse under weight of ask falling on their roofs
    • air= thick wi/ ash and difficult to breathe= respiratory problems
    • 2010 eruption of mount merapi in Indonesia eg where volcanic ashfall affected surrounding sarea
  • PHOV
    volcanic gas= can be poisonous
    • eg carbon dioxide carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphur and
    • 1986 lake
  • PHOV
    pyroclastic flows
    • very hot >800 degrees c
    • high velocity >200km/hour
    • mixture of gases and tephra
    • can destroy everything in its path
    • eg AD70 eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii italy
    • 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens in usa
  • PHOV
    Lava flows
    • usually not major threat if molten bc they are slow moving
    • Create extensive areas of solifided lava
    • land masses created by lava flows= Hawaii and Southwest Iceland
  • secondary hazards of volcanoes
    • Jökulhlaup= flooding bc of glaciers or ice caps melting
    • originates from Iceland where subgalcial outburst floods happen at Vatnajökull
  • SHOV
    • fast mudflows that happen when rain mobilise deposits of volcanic ash
    • 1985 Armero tragedy happened when nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted in colombia
    • 4 Lamar’s came towards town of Armero and 20000ppl died
  • Disasters and thresholds
    Disaster= hazard has significant impact on ppl
    -> consequence of hazard happening
    if this damage caused by a hazard exceeds a threshold level = disaster has happened