Cell wall is an extra layer of membrane that protects the cell and provides structural support, made of cellulose (plant cell) and chitin (fungal cells).
Ribosomes produce polypeptide, are free floating or attached to ER, contain genetic material and are the command center of the cell, covered with a nuclear membrane.
Endoplasmic reticulum forms sacs called “cisternae” and is divided into Smooth ER for storage and synthesizes lipids, and Rough ER for synthesis and packaging of proteins.
Phloem is also responsible for transporting photosynthetic products like carbohydrates, and is composed mainly of living cells: sieve elements, companion cells, and parenchyma cells.
The epidermis originates from protoderm (apical meristem) and is the outermost layer of the plant, containing specialized cells such as hairs or trichomes, bulliform cells, and stomata.
Phloem is responsible for the upward transport of water and minerals from roots to shoots and leaves, and is composed of tracheary elements, fibers, and parenchyma cells.
Adipocytes are located in the linings of all organs, the dermis of the skin, mucous membranes in reproductive and urinary tracts, tendons, ligaments, the dermis of the skin and glands, lymph nodes and organs, bone marrow, spleen, trachea, nose, ribs, vertebral discs, joints, heart valves, ears, epiglottis, larynx, skeletal system, lymphatic system, and throughout the body.
Permanent tissues are derived from meristematic tissues but have lost the ability to divide, examples include Ground Tissues, Vascular Tissues, and Dermal Tissues.
Parenchyma is composed of thin-walled cells and is made up of cellulose and hemicellulose, vital for plants to repair wounds and damages, functions for storage, secretion, photosynthesis, and transport.
Collenchyma is composed of mature elongated flexible thick-walled cells and is made up of mostly cellulose and pectin, supports young leaves and stems.
Sclerenechyma is composed of mostly dead, fibrous, crystal-like cells and is made up of the polymer lignin, supports mature plant organs and is important in transportation and conduction.