Cards (19)

  • Palindrome
    string which backwards reads the same as forwards
  • for odd palindromes we are allowed to choose the symbol in the very center of the string.
  • Palindrome contraints :
    • even : n/2
    • odd : (n-1)/2
  • the total number of binary even-length palindromes grows exponentially in the length n
  • counting argument
    when disputes can be settled by counting the number of possibilities
  • DFA's can't identify palindromes --> the palindrome structure only manifests itself after we have processed half of the string (only if it has at least 2^(n/2) distinct internal states --> exponential growth of states)
  • DFA struggle to identify palindromes :
    • they must process input symbols sequentially from left to right in one go
    • they can only read input symbols (no memory)
  • square symbol
    empty paper
  • Identify a palindrome by an iterative checking procedure. Will be n/2 iterative application of this one-sided tests.
    N(k) = 2k+3 for k in {0,2,4,6, .. n } . At most N = 0.5n^2 + 5/2 n 

  • worst case number of steps (palindrome) scales quadratically
  • Turing machine model components :
    1. the finite state control (each instant == 1 state)
    2. the tape (consists of tape squares)
    3. the tape head (current position)
  • In which optic are DFA similar to a turing machine
    1. finite resources are enough to specify
    2. can perform computations on a input strings with varying length
    difference :
    1. They can loop back and forward -> longer run times
  • halting states
    accept, reject states, if the machine enters either of these it stops immediately
  • Turing machine (TM)
    A) finite
    B) internal states
    C) input alphabet
    D) tape alphabet
    E) transition
    F) start
    G) accept
    H) reject
  • Turing machine
    A) accepts or rejects
    B) read/write
    C) internal states
    D) input alphabet
    E) tape alphaebt
    F) transition
    G) start
    H) accept
    I) reject
  • Transition function TM δ\delta(p,a) = (q,b,D). WHere p,q are states and a,b are tape alphabet symbols
  • δ(p,a)=\delta(p,a) =(q,b,D) (q,b,D)
    • p,q are states
    • a,b are tape alphabet
    • D the direction of the tape
    A) a,b,D
  • a computing step is determined by the content of the tape and the transition function
  • TM are deterministic models of computation