Edexcel A-level RS
1 Philosophy
P6: developments in religious belief
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P6.1/2 life after death
Edexcel A-level RS > 1 Philosophy > P6: developments in religious belief
15 cards
P6.3 science + relig
Edexcel A-level RS > 1 Philosophy > P6: developments in religious belief
4 cards
Cards (25)
behaviourism, Ryle
: ‘mental’ events just refer to behaviour we can observe in the brain. Consciousness is only behaviour
2 criticisms of Ryle behaviourism
Ward: pretend to be angry + actually angry exhibit same behaviour, but not same internal state - behaviour doesn't explain all
Behaviours can't describe subjective qualia
Frank Jackson: Mary knowledge arg
Nagel: don't know what it's like to be a bat
2 criticisms of Ryle behaviourism
: pretend to be angry + actually angry exhibit same behaviour, but not same internal state - behaviour doesn't explain all
Behaviours can't describe subjective qualia
Frank Jackson
: Mary knowledge arg
: don't know what it's like to be a bat
Dennett's response to the criticism of materialism from qualia
consciousness is "a bunch of tricks in the brain"
introspection about our mental states is deceptive as our minds often mislead us, e.g. optical illusion
what we think are qualia might be illusions created by brain we don't have explanation for yet
response to the criticism of materialism from qualia
consciousness is "a bunch of tricks in the brain"
introspection about our mental states is deceptive as our minds often mislead us, e.g. optical illusion
what we think are qualia might be illusions created by brain we don't have explanation for yet
Materialists, Dawkins, Dennett
: we have diff words for mental events + physical processes underlying them, but they're really the same
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