P6: developments in religious belief

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Cards (25)

  • Philosophical behaviourism, Ryle: ‘mental’ events just refer to behaviour we can observe in the brain. Consciousness is only behaviour
  • 2 criticisms of Ryle behaviourism
    • Ward: pretend to be angry + actually angry exhibit same behaviour, but not same internal state - behaviour doesn't explain all
    • Behaviours can't describe subjective qualia
    • Frank Jackson: Mary knowledge arg
    • Nagel: don't know what it's like to be a bat
  • 2 criticisms of Ryle behaviourism
    • Ward: pretend to be angry + actually angry exhibit same behaviour, but not same internal state - behaviour doesn't explain all
    • Behaviours can't describe subjective qualia
    • Frank Jackson: Mary knowledge arg
    • Nagel: don't know what it's like to be a bat
  • Dennett's response to the criticism of materialism from qualia
    • consciousness is "a bunch of tricks in the brain"
    • introspection about our mental states is deceptive as our minds often mislead us, e.g. optical illusion
    • what we think are qualia might be illusions created by brain we don't have explanation for yet
  • Dennett's response to the criticism of materialism from qualia

    • consciousness is "a bunch of tricks in the brain"
    • introspection about our mental states is deceptive as our minds often mislead us, e.g. optical illusion
    • what we think are qualia might be illusions created by brain we don't have explanation for yet
  • Materialists, Dawkins, Dennett: we have diff words for mental events + physical processes underlying them, but they're really the same