P6.1/2 life after death

Cards (15)

  • hard materialists: monist group that believes the only substance that exists is ‘matter’ (even thinking has a material explanation)
  • soft materialists: monist group including Hick that believes there is one substance unifying body and soul. When the body dies the soul dies too because they are inseparable.
  • replica theory: a thought experiment used by Hick to argue that what lives after death is a replica
  • Elisabeth of Bohemia's criticism of Descartes' dualism
    how does non-physical mind interact with physical brain?
  • Descartes' response to Elisabeth of Bohemia's criticism of dualism
    interact in pineal gland
    >> still doesn't solve problem
  • give a criticism of this argument from Descartes' dualism:
    Leibniz’s Law of Identity (diff properties = diff things) --> can doubt body but not mind so diff
    Masked man fallacy: doubt is not a property
    P1: I know who X is.
    P2: I do not know who the masked man is.
    C: Therefore, X is not the masked man
  • Ryle's 2 criticisms of Descartes' dualism
    • Ryle’s Regress - infinite regress, can’t explain how soul initiates thinking
    • Talk abt soul reduces to human behaviour + brain dispositional states - Ockham's razor, no soul
    • Looking for non-existent “ghost in a machine” - category error
    • Asking where's the uni when you've seen all the buildings of the uni
  • Problem of other minds criticism of Descartes' dualism
    if I only know my mind exist through introspection ("cogito ergo sum"), can't know other ppl are conscious --> ethical problems
  • Aristotle's 3 layers of life
    Mind - rationality (humans)
    Appetitive - character (animals + humans)
    Vegetative - being alive (all beings)
  • Argument for Plato's dualism + Forms
    slave boy argument - understood geometry just by being asked Qs, remebering from Forms
  • give a criticism of Plato's slave boy argument for dualism
    some knowledge is known a priori, e.g. number, shape, Kant: morality
  • criticism of materialism
    • Chalmers, Swinburne: hard problem of consciousness, can't explain subjectivity of mental qualia
    • Nagel: know objective facts about bats but not what it is like to be a bat
    • Frank Jackson: Mary knowledge argument (colourless room)
  • criticism of materialism
    • Chalmers, Swinburne: hard problem of consciousness, can't explain subjectivity of mental qualia
    • Nagel: know objective facts about bats but not what it is like to be a bat
    • Frank Jackson: Mary knowledge argument (colourless room)
  • Aristotle's monism
    • material cause = body
    • formal cause = soul, how body is animated (diff between alive/dead)
    • wax seal analogy - can't separate seal from wax / soul from body
  • Brian Davies criticism of Hick replica theory
    challenges personal identity - replica not same as OG
    overlooks importance of continuity of consciousness, etc - simplifies complex nature of wat it means to be a person