4 - Decision problems and languages

Cards (21)

  • decision problem
    yes/no question
  • reverse operation R
    upon reversing, every symbol we add on the left must move to the very right
  • binary palindrome -decision problem

    xR=x^R =x x
  • language over an alphabet is a collection of string over a set of strings
  • boolean function
    A) 1
  • binary language
    A) palindrome
    B) x^R
  • A language A is regular if there exists a DFA M such that A = L(M)
  • Regular operations
    A) union
    B) concatenation
    C) star
  • Pumping lemma
    A) regular
    B) natural
    C) pumping length
    D) three
    E) central
    F) non-empty
    G) first two
  • palindrome is not a regular language
  • TMs can process input string of arbitrary length. And they do this in a dynamic (back and forth) and active (back-forward) fashion
  • Decidable langague :
    1. M accepts every string within the language
    2. M reject every string not contained in the language
  • Every regular language is also a decidable language
  • Palindrome is a decidable langauge
  • Turing machines are strictly more powerfull than DFAs
  • Serieus drawback of TM : they may not stop and loop on forever
  • semidecidable
  • interpreters can be troublesome

    interpreter is a program which takes as
    • program (M) + input (w )
    • simulates M on input w.
  • semidecidable == completely enumerable
  • Membership illustration among language classes
    A) reg
    B) dec
    C) s-dec
    D) all
    E) parity
    F) accept
    G) palindrome
  • Church-Turing thesis
    Any function that can be computed by a mechanical/physical process can also be computed by a Turing machine