5.5B Human actions that can exacerbate flooding

Cards (3)

    • Human activity can exacerbate flood risk as a result of: -> Changing land use in the drainage basin -> Mismanagement of the river using hard engineering
  • Changing land-use causes flooding:
    • Deforestation reduces the amount of interception and infiltration 
    • Overgrazing removes the vegetation and so increases bare soil, which animals compact under hoof, reducing infiltration rates and increasing runoff
    • Ploughing compacts the soil reducing soil porosity and less storage capacity
    • Farming often reduces vegetation cover and increase soil compaction from tractors and machinery, this reduces the amount of water infiltration and increases surface runoff
    • Urbanisation increases impermeable surfaces
  • Mismanagement of a river channel causes drought:
    • Channelisation adds a liner to a straightened river channel to reduce friction which aims to improve flow rate
    • Dams, floodwalls and reservoirs are built to prevent flooding and ensure a regular supply of water
    • Embankments and levees can be built or increased in height to improve bankfull capacity, using concrete or sustainable materials
    • River straightening increases the flow of water by increasing the gradient of a river's channel and removing natural meanders