Rhomboid Minor Origin: Spinous process of C7 - T1 (and supraspinous ligaments in between)
Rhomboid Major Origin: Spinous process of T2 - T5 (and supraspinous ligaments in between)
Levator scapular and rhomboid major and minor:
all NS is dorsal scapular nerve (c5)
all do medial rotation and retraction (LS does elevation as well)
LS originates from transverse process whereas RM's originate from spinous process
their insertions are continuous (LS is between superior angle and spine of scapula, R Minor is at level of spine of scapula, R Major is between inferior angle and spine of scapula)
R minor and major have continuous origins (including supraspinous ligaments) - minor is c7 and t1, major is t2 - t5
LS goes down and lateral, RM's go obliquelydown and lateral