Cards (7)

  • Rhomboid Minor:
    • Small, rectangular muscle, situated in deep layer over the posterior thoracic cage, deep to trapezius and inferior to levator scapular
    A) Rhomboid Minor
  • O (origin)
    • From the spinous processes of C7 and T1 and the supraspinous ligament between them
    A) Rhomboid Minor
  • R (direction)
    • Obliquely downwards and laterally
    A) Rhomboid Minor
  • I (insertions)
    • Medial border of the scapula at the level of the root of the spine of scapula (smooth triangular area)
    A) Rhomboid Minor
  • A (actions)
    • Scapular retraction and medial rotation
    A) Rhomboid Minor
  • NS (nerve supply)
    • Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
    A) Rhomboid Minor
  • Function:
    • Scapula stabiliser
    A) Rhomboid Minor