Name, date, address - How is the heading of the letter organized? Does the writer include a formal label such as “Dr.” or “Mrs”, or is the letter more informal? Is the address included, and does it look
like a professional letter or a casual correspondence? Lots to upack.
Salutation - Yes, this is a fancy word for “greeting” and it can reveal the tone of the writer. Pay attention to words like “Dear”, “To whom it may concern”, etc.
Statement of Purpose - usually found in the opening paragraph, this is often a short and clear statement outlining the reason for writing the letter. This purpose should come out very early in the letter.
Register - Pay attention to the distance between the writer and the recipient. Is the distance between them far or near? Cordial or formal? Pay attention to register.
Call to action - often found at the end of the letter, this final paragraph often states what the writer would like the reader to do in response to the letter.
Closing - Much like the salutation, the closing or “send off” can reveal much about both writer and recipient. Check for formal versus informal language, casual register versus formal register, and