Cards (10)

  • Basic management planning process consists of five steps:
    • Setting objectives
    • Making basic planning forecasts
    • Reviewing alternative courses of action
    • Evaluating which options are best
    • Choosing and implementing your plan
    1. A Plan shows the course of action for getting from where you are to the goal. Planning is always “ goal-directed”
    2. Policies and procedures provide day-to-day guidance employees need to do their jobs in a manner that is consistent with the company’s plans and goals.
    3. Procedures spell out what to do if a specific situation arises.
  • A strategic plan is the company’s overall plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with its external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive position.
  • Business model “is a company’s method for making money in the current business environment.”
  • Strategic management is the process of identifying and executing the organization’s strategic plan by matching the company’s capabilities with the demands of its environment.
  • The Strategic Management Process
    1. Define the current Business
    2. Perform SWOT Analysis
    3. Formulate a new direction
    4. Translate the mission into strategic goals
    5. Formulate strategies to achcieve the strategic goals
    6. Implement the strategies
    7. Evaluate the performnace

    Steps 1-5 is Strategic Planning
    Step 6 is Strategic Execution
    Step 7 is Strategic Evaluation
  • In order to define the strenghs and weakness, the company should “Audit” / Study.
  • Audit may include analyzing called PEST factors.
    P- Political factors E- Economic factors
    S- Social factors
    T- Technological factors
  • Environmental scanning - To help management determine the future direction of the organization. In other words it guides them on how to place thier business in the current trent.
    • Economic Trends
    • Competitive and Market Trends
    • Political Trends
    • Technological Trends
    • Social Trends
    • Geographic Trends
  • A vision statement is a general statement of the firm’s intended direction;
    Mission statement summarizes what the company’s main tasks are today.