Cards (10)

    1. Decide what positions to fill, through job analysis, personnel planning, and forecasting.
  • 2. Build a pool of job applicants, by recruiting internal or external candidates.
  • 3. Obtain application forms and perhaps have initial screening interviews.
  • 4. Use selection tools like tests, interviews, background checks, and physical exams to identify viable candidates.
  • 5. Decide to whom to make an offer.
  • 6. Orient, train, and develop employees so they have the competencies to do their jobs.
  • 7. Appraise employees to assess how they’re doing.
  • 8. Compensate employees to maintain their motivation
  • Talent management - is the holistic, integrated and results and goal-oriented process of planning, recruiting, selecting, developing, managing, and compensating employees.
  • The manager who takes a talent management approach tends to take actions such as the following:
    1. He or she starts with the results and asks - the competensies needed.
    2. He or she treats activities such as recruiting and training as interrelated.
    3. Use the same “profile” of required human skills, knowledge, and behaviors for formulating a job’s recruitment plans as for making
    4. Takes steps to actively coordinate/integrate talent management functions such as recruiting and training