Cards (11)

  • Job specifications - A list of a job’s “human requirements,” that is, the requisite education, skills, personality, and so on—another product of a job analysis.
  • Job analysis - The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it.
  • Job descriptions - A list of a job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities—one product of a job analysis.
  • Vital information via the job analysis:
    • Work activities
    • Human behaviors
    • Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids
    • Performance standards
    • Job context
    • Human requirements
  • Uses of Job Analysis Information
    • Recruitment and Selection
    • EEO Compliance
    • Performance Appraisal
    • Compensation
    • Training
  • There are six steps in doing a job analysis of a job, as follows.
    Step 1: Decide How You Will Use the Information
    Step 2: Review Relevant Background Information About the Job, Such as Organization Charts and Process Charts
    Step 3: Select Representative Positions
    Step 4: Actually Analyze the Job - “calling on potential clients”
    Step 5: Verify the Job Analysis Information with the Worker Performing the Job and with His or Her Immediate Supervisor
    Step 6: Develop a Job Description and Job Specification
  • A Process Chart provides a detailed picture of the workflow.
  • Workflow Analysis - is a detailed study of the flow of work from job to job in one identifiable work process
  • Business process reengineering - means redesigning business processes, usually by combining steps, so that small multifunction teams, often using information technology.
    • The basic reengineering approach is to:
    1. Identify a business process to be redesigned
    2. Measure the performance of the existing processes
    3. Identify opportunities to improve these processes
    4. Redesign and implement a new way of doing the work
    5. Assign ownership of sets of formerly separate tasks to an individual or a team who use new computerized systems to support the new arrangement
    • Job Redesign
    • Job enlargement - means assigning workers additional same-level activities.
    • Job rotation - means systematically moving workers from one job to another
    • Job enrichment - means redesigning jobs in a way that increases the motivation of an employee. (experience feelings of responsibility, achievement, growth, and recognition)