5.9A Hard engineering to increase water supply

Cards (4)

  • Hard-engineered schemes
    • These need capital, technology and long-term maintenance to be successful
    • Schemes include:
    • Water transfer schemes
    • Mega dams
    • Desalination plants
  • Water transfer schemes = attempt to make up for water deficits through constructing systems of canals, pipes, and dredging over long distances to transfer water from a drainage basin of surplus supplies to areas of deficit
    -> e.g. Kielder reservoir in Northumberland
  • Mega dams:
    • Dams block rivers so that reservoirs of water build up behind, rather than drain away
    • Dams provide large, reliable supplies of drinking water and reduces water insecurity, especially in areas of seasonal precipitation
    -> Creates HEP
    -> E.G. Three gorges dam in China
  • Desolation plants:
    • Extracts the salt from seawater to enable it to be used for drinking and irrigation
    • Expensive, salt waste can damage marine ecosystems and the process uses large amounts of energy
    • As the price of freshwater increases, some countries will look to the sea for water supplies
    -> E.G. Israel and Dubai