2. weimar opposition

Cards (75)

  • In November 1918 , the Sailors at Kiel mutinied.
  • November 1918, widespread striking in Berlin, Munich and Cologne.
  • The Ebert Groener Pact was agreed in November of 1918.
  • In 1919 the first elections show strong support for the moderate democratic parties. The SPD won 38% and the Centre Party won 20%.
  • In March 1919 the Bavarian Socialist Republic was set up. By May, it had been crushed by the Freikorps.
  • Between 1919 and 1921 Operation Consul organised over 350 political assassinations.
  • By 1924 May elections, the SPD only won 20%, the KPD rose to 12.6% and the NASDAP won 6.5%.
  • In 1928 support for the moderate parties rises again. The SPD won 30% and the NSDAP won less than 3%. However the KPD won 14% and more than 50 seats.
  • The Red Fighting League had over 130,000 members before it was disbanded in 1929 for street fighting.
  • The Young Plan Referendum 1929 was approved by 94.5% of those who voted but it only had a turnout of 14.9%.
  • The SA was banned in April 1932 but the ban was lifted in June 1932.
  • The NSDAP won 37% of the vote in July 1932.
  • Matthias Erzberger who signed the armistice was assassinated in 1921.
  • The Stahlhelm, a veterans organisation, had over 250,000 members by 1925.
  • Germany was only allowed 6 battleships, 12 destroyers, 6 cruisers, 12 torpedos and no submarines.
  • Germany had to give 15 million tonnes of coal to belgium.
  • All coal production in the Saar was to be given to the France until 1935.
  • In 1921 reparations were fixed to £6.6 billion or RM132 billion.
  • Reparations would have amounted to 10-12% of Germany’s income each year.
  • In March 1920, the communists formed an army of 50,000 workers and dominated the Ruhr for several weeks.
  • The RFL numbered 130,000 at its height, it was organised by age and region and supported its own newspaper.
  • The Freikorps had up to 5,000 men, most were veterans with military training.
  • The Munich Putsch had the support of General Ludendorff and 3,000 men. They were able to take control of the Army headquarters in Munich.
  • The SA had 500,000 members in 1933. They had 400,000 in 1932.
  • KPD won 10.6% in 1928 and 14.3% in 1932.
  • 60% of supporters for the ZP were female. 40-45% of the SPD voters were female.
  • By November 1932 58.3% were voting for anti Weimar parties.
  • The Right committed 354 murders, 326 of these went unpunished. Only one extremist was given a life sentence.
  • The Left committed 22 murders, only 4 went unpunished. 10 death sentences were given and 3 life sentences.
  • Hitler was given only 5 years for the Munich Putsch, he served only 9 months in Landstag minimum security prison.
  • In 1922 the Nazis are banned in Prussia, Saxony, Baden and Hamburg.
  • In 1922, the Law for the protection of the Republic was passed to increase sentences for political crimes.
  • In 1928, the Nazis and the KPD received less than 15% of the vote. The three main parties won over 50%.
  • 5.8 million Germans opposed the Young Plan.
  • In 1927 a national unemployment insurance was established.
  • Von Papen offered Hitler a position as Vice Chancellor in June 1932, he turned it down.
  • The Treaty of Versailles was accepted 237 votes to 138. On the 28th of June 1919, the German delegation led by Hermann Muller signed the treaty.
  • In 1923 the French occupied the Ruhr to demand reparations. This resulted in Passive Resistance, workers resisted with strikes, sabotage and disruption.
  • The Munich Putsch was partly triggered with the government decision to end passive resistance and co-operate with the Allies.
  • The right-wing press baron Hugenberg organised a referendum against the acceptance of the Young Plan, Versailles and the principle of reparations.