Military had a special place in German political culture
German military was dominated by aristocracy, and was extremely hierarchal and had never been democratically accountable. Popular respect for the army was an obstacle to the acceptance of democratic values
Respect for army was based on the view that is was an extremely effective organisation that protected and advanced the interests of the nations
1871 - German military won a war against France and successfully captured the economically valuable territory of Alsace-Lorraine.
1866-71 : German military successfully captured a portion of Poland.
Army expanded and defended the German empire in Africa, albeit at the cost of hundreds of thousands of African lives
respect for the armed forces was expressed by the formation of groups like the Navy League, the Defence League and the Society for German Colonisation, which argued for the expansion of the armed forces. These groups argued for undemocratic goals.
Navy League was active in the German League for the Prevention of the Emancipation of Women.
These groups were active from around 1880-1918. Members continued to hold undemocratic views into the 1920's and 30's = undermined the republic.
1871-1918 german men who served in the army for several years had the right to take a government job once they left the army
Gov services, like the police force, the railways and parts of the civil service were dominated by former soldiers
The culture of these organisations was hierarchal and undemocratic.