MBIO 1010 - Lecture 12

Cards (31)

  • Eukaryotes (true nucleus)
    • genetic material is housed in a nucleus
    • generally larger than prokaryotes
    • complex internal structure
    • membrane bound organelles
    • intra-cytoplasmic membranes used for transport - in the organelles
    • cytoskeleton
    • divide by mitosis and meiosis
    • Some eukaryotes (lip like) have flagella but is not the same as bacterial flagella (propeller)
  • the nucleus
    holds the genetic information, multiple linear double stranded DNA chromosomes
    only in eukaryotes
    where the histones are - tightly packed with DNA
    Membranes around the nucleus
  • Chloroplasts
    are in eukaryotes but we have a theory that they might have evolved from prokaryotes
    70S ribosomes which is the same that we would see in a prokaryote
    size of unicellular cyanobacteria
    Site of photosynthesis
    surrounded by 2 membranes
    DNA and ribosomes (70S)
  • Mitochondria
    site of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation
    surrounded by 2 membranes
    DNA and ribosomes (70S)
    few protists that have mitochondria
    in eukaryotes
    nearly universal in eukaryotic cells but there is a few protists that don't have mitochondria and so not a defining feature of what a eukaryote is
  • The Endosymbiotic Hypothesis
    mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from bacteria - descendent of phototropic bacteria and became apart of eukaryotes
    • Evidence - mitochondria and chloroplasts are both
    • Semi-autonomous
    • circular chromosomes
    • lack histones
    • 70s ribosomes
    • two membranes
    • outer membrane has porins
  • the endosymbiotic hypothesis is the thought that these bacteria became part of eukaryotes
  • mitochondria are most closely related to Rickettsia, rickettsia is the genus and proteobacteria is the phylum, obligate intracellular pathogens. ex) rocky-mountain spotted fever
  • Chloroplasts are most closely related to cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
    Note* Cyanobacteria used to be called blue-green algae but it is NOT algae its a bacteria
  • Viruses are not part of the tree of life because they are not living
  • Viruses
    • Acellular infectious particles - not considered living, no cytoplasmic membrane
    • obligate intracellular pathogens - cannot survive on their own (don't have enough of their own things to survive on their own) - need a host
    • reproduce inly inside of living cells
    • lack independent metabolism
    • composed of at least 2 parts - minimum requirements to be called a virus
    • nucleic acid genome (DNA or RNA)
    • protein coat (capsid)
    • together is the nucleocapsid
    • some viruses have an envelope - layer of lipid surrounding the nucleocapsid
  • Viral genomes
    • DNA or RNA - Never both at the same time
    • single stranded or double stranded
    • circular or linear
    • can be in several pieces - segmented
    • at times one type of virus can be DNA or RNA but not at the same time
    • only one type of genomic nucleic acid is found in the virion of any particular type of virus
    • genome size
    • smallest ~3.6 kb for some ssRNA viruses (3 genes)
    • largest >150 kbp for some dsDNA viruses (>100 genes)
  • capsid - protein coat that surrounds the genomes
    • allows transfer of viral genome between host cell
    • provides protection to the genome
    • can't just have DNA or RNA floating around, will become degraded by enzymes that will cut it up
    • made of identical polypeptides -protomer
    • helical capsids
    • protomers from a spiral cylinder
    • nucleic acid genome coiled inside
    • ex. tobacco mosaic virus capsid is made of ~2100 identical protomers
    • protomers assemble together to made capsomeres
    • protomers aggregate to form capsomeres
    • multiple types of capsids
    • helical capsid
    • icosahedral capsid
  • Protomer - basic unit - made of identical polypeptides, Will come together to make capsomeres
    Capsomeres are the building block of capsid but made from protomers
  • Icosahedral capsids
    • regular geometric shape with 20 triangular faces
    • exhibit symmetry
    • protomers aggregate to form capsomeres
    • ex. human papillomaviruses have form their capsids from pentamers (clusters of 5)
    • repeating shapes around forming a ball
    • ex. HPV
  • Binal capsids
    • geometric head with an attached helical tail
    • ex. T4 bacteriophage of E.coli
    • genome is carried in a polyhedral head, helical tail is used to inject DNA into a host cell
    • Nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses
    • viruses with complex multi-layered structure
    • ex. mimivirus (infects amoebae)
    • 0.75 micrometer in diameter, 1200 kbp DNA
    • larger than some bacteria
  • bacteriophage
    • viruses that infect bacteria
  • Envelope is a lipid bilayer surrounding the nucleocapsid that was acquired from the host membrane
    • consists of host lipids and viral proteins -spikes
    • ex. influenza virus
    • flexible helical capsid, surrounded by an envelope
    • two major spikes: hemaglutanin (H) and neuraminidase (N)
  • Viral protein is called a spike
  • Genetic material on the inner most protected by the capsid or protein coat and then the envelope
  • Host range
    • viruses infect all domains of life
    • animal viruses infect and multiply only inside of animal cells
    • human papillomavirus - infects human epithelial cells
    • causes benign tumors (warts)
    • most viruses are pretty specific and will only affect a single host
  • Most viruses are specific to a single host species
  • virus must attach to specific receptors on the host cell surface
    • ex. HIV binds to CD4
    • Chemoreceptor on surface of some human immune system cells
    • HIV infects only humans
  • some viruses infect more than one species
    • ex. influenza attaches to a glycoprotein found on surface of several animal cells
    • infects humans, pigs, chickens, seals etc
  • Viral replication cycle
    1. adsorption - attachment to the host cell
    • involves specific receptors on the host cell surface
    • ex. LPS, outer membrane proteins or glycoproteins
  • viral replication cycle
    2. penetration and uncoating - entry into the host cell
    • bacteriophage - usually inject their nucleic acid into the cell
    • leave the capsid outside the cell as a ghost
  • entry by animal viruses
    • fusion with the plasma membrane
    • endocytosis
    • binding to specific receptors triggers normal endocrytic activity
    • in either case, once inside:
    • the capsid is removed
    • viral genome is released into the cell
  • viral replication cycle
    3. synthesis of viral nucleic acids and protein
    • viral genes are expressed and viral proteins are synthesized (by the host's own ribosomes)
    • viral genome is replicated (by the host's replication machinery)
  • viral replication cycle
    4. assembly of new virions
    • viral proteins are assembled into capsids, and then genomes are packaged into nucleocapsids
    • viruses do not reproduce by division
  • viral replication cycle
    5. release of new virion
    • two basic strategies:
    • naked viruses usually accumulate, eventually lysing the host cell to release progeny - lytic infection
    • enveloped viruses are usually released by budding
    • virion push through the cytoplasmic membrane without killing the host cell - persistent infection
  • Fusion only happens for enveloped viruses
    endocytosis can occur for enveloped or naked viruses
  • naked viruses cant do fusion