Cards (19)

  • Landscape of complexity classes
    A) EXP
    C) co-NP
    D) NP
    E) P
  • prime factorization
  • AKS primality test
    a polynomial-time alogrithm that decides the langauge Primes = {F : F is a prime number} in {0,1}*
  • co-NP
    a lanauge is in co-NP if its complement is contained in NP
  • co-NP is not the complement of the problem class NP -> nontrivial intersection
  • THe intersection between NP and co-Np contains some languages for which we don't know any efficient algorithm
  • tautologie
    1 for all input x
  • Tautology
    A) co-NP
    B) co-NP
    C) polynomial-time reduction
    D) =<_p
  • unless NP = co-NP, factoring cannot be NP-complete
  • NP, co-NP more symmetric
    A) polynomial runtime
    B) polynomial
    C) exists
    D) forall
  • negation of there exists -> forall
  • Problem class sommation_i ^p
    A) exists
    B) forall or exists
    C) parity
  • Problem class
    A) polynomial
    B) forall
  • 1p\sum_1^p= NP
    Π1p\Pi_1^p= co-NP
    0p=\sum_0^p =Π0P= \Pi_0^P =P
  • Polynomial hierachy
    B) co-NP
    C) NP
    D) P
    E) pip2
    F) sump2
  • Polynomial hierarchy PH
    A) i >= 0
  • for each i >= 1, sum and pi are distinct
  • if sum and pi not distrinct -> polynomial hierarchy collapses to the i-th level
  • If facotring is NP-complete, the nthe polynomial hierarchy collapses to the first level (i=1) PH=PH =1p= \sum_1^p =NP NP