Cards (29)

  • circuits are a simplified mdoel of the silicon chip -> can be sued to copmute any logical function and have their own cost parameters : size + depth
  • processing units
    efficient general-purpose hardware
  • Logical circuits are represented by boxes == gate
    A) not
    B) !x0
  • Terminology
    A) fan-in
    B) fan-out
  • Circuit (informal)
    A) network of directed wires
    B) and or not
    C) n
    D) m
  • A logical circuit is a directed acyclic graph.
  • input length = number of input nodes
    output length = number of output nodes
  • size of a circuit
    total number of gates
  • depth of a circuit
    length of the longest directed path
  • depth only makes sense if the underlying graph does not contain any cycles
  • circuit size equals TM runtime
  • circuit parity of sum has a depth of log_2(n) where n is the number of input bits
  • s(XOR) = 4 , d(XOR) = 3
  • circuit depth equals parellize runtime
  • ParityOfSum is a regular language, we can always decide membership with a DFA. Runtime of a DFA is always equal to input length n .
  • logical functions can always be represented as circuits
  • let f be a logical function with n input bits and m output bits. Then
    A) n
    B) size
    C) depth
    D) mn2^n
  • conversion into n-CNF is extremely useful when one attempts to design circuits with short circuit depths.
  • if we have a k-CNF with l clauses. Then a circuits

    size s(C) =< 2kl-1 = O(kl)
    depth s(C) =< [log_2(k)] + [log_2(l)]+1 = O(log(kl))
  • If we have m circuits :
    size(C) = i=1msi\sum_{i=1}^m s_i =< mn2^(n+1) = O(mn2^n)
    depth(C) = max_i d_i =< n+[log_2(n)]+1 = O(n)
  • encode the 4 tape symbols in
    • 0 = 00
    • empty square = 01
    • roadblock = 10
    • 1 = 11
  • Translate this into to a transition function :
    Q x tape alphabet -> Q x tape alphabet x {L,R}
    (q,a) -> (p,b,D)
  • the size of the circuit dpeends on the number of TM states (Q), S(C) = O(1)
  • a zig-zag TM M processes length-n inputs x by repreatedly zig-zaggin across a fixed section of S(n) tape squars.
  • zigzag, once it hits the #-symbol it reverse direction and moves bag again.
  • Tpae movements of zig-zag TMs are extremely regular and independant from the content of the actual input string.
  • Zig-zag TMs
    A) simulate
    B) T(n)^2
    C) T(n)
  • Representing TMs as circuits
    A) circuit
    B) zero
    C) forall
  • Circuits can only process inputs of fixed length n (nonuniform computation). This is in stark contrast to TMs which can process inputs of arbitrary length (uniform computation).