Cards (20)

  • PSIZE is the complexity class which encompasses all decision problems that can be solved by circuit families of polynomial size.
  • PSIZE contains problems that are uncomputable in the TM model
  • a single TM works for all input sizes == unifrom model of computation
  • Palindrome in Size(N)
  • Every language A in {0,1}* is contained in size (n2^n)
  • The problem class PSIZE contains all languages that can be decided using polynomial-size circuit families
  • The unary halting problem is in PSIZE
  • A circuit of familiy C is P-uniform if there exists a polynomial runimte TM which takes 1^n as input and output a descirption of the circuit.
  • A language A has P-uniform circuits if and only if A in P
  • The problem class P/poly if membership can eb decided by a polynomial-time TM that also ahs access to a single, polynomially bounded advice string .
  • A langauge is unaray if it is a subset of {1^n : n in N}
  • A language A is in P/poly if and only if it is also in PSIZE
  • machine learning can be modeled as computation with advice
  • Machine learning as a polynomial-runtime algorithm that takes advice.
    A) training stage
    B) prediction stage
  • Relationship between P/poly and NP
    1. the certificate of NP-membership y depends on the acutal input x. Different length-n inputs. Suggesting that NP certificates can be more epxressive than P/poly advice string
    2. langagues A in NP are always computable. P/poly seems less restrictive than NP
  • Karp-Lipton Theorem
    If NP in PSIZE then the polynomial hierarchy collapss to the second level PH=PH =2P \sum^P_2
  • no small circuits for SAT solving
  • P = NP 0th level collapse
    NP = co-NP 1th level collapse
    NP in PSIDE 2nd level collapse
  • Π2P\Pi_2^P
    lanague Pi 2 Sat
  • The Karp-Lipton Theorem highlights that SAT is probably even harder than one has initially thought. Don't use SAT reductions too liberally