Cards (14)

  • The Cook-levin theorem states that every problem in NP can be reduced to an instance of 3-SAT
  • Illustration of a general boolean circuit geometry
    A) input nodes
    B) circuit
    C) output node
  • doubly-exponential growth of the number of boolean fucntion (in input length n)
    f : {0,1}^n -> {0,1} is exactly N(n) = 2^2^n
  • THe number of distrinct size circuits with n inputs, m=1 output and size at most s is upper bounded by N(n,s) = n^(2s) (4s)^s
  • Circuit lower bounds
    A) almost all
    B) exponentially large
    C) exponential
    D) 2n
    E) 6n
  • "almost all" means that boolean functions f that have cricuits with the advertised size bound only cover a vanishingly small fractionr of all possible boolean functions.
  • almost all boolean fucntions have a circuit representation that obeys
    A) 2^n
    B) 6n
    C) 2^n
    D) 2n
  • There are n-variable Boolean functions that can be computed by circuits of size O (n^2), but cant be computed by circuits of size O (n). In formulas: SIZE (n) ⊂ SIZE(n^2) (strict inclusion)
  • size hierarchy theorem
    large circuit sizes yield strictly more computing power.
  • time hierachy theorem
    longer TM runtimes yield strictly more computing power
  • Circuit SAT
    A) boolean
    B) satisfiable
    C) 1
    D) bit encodings
  • Every NP-problem admits a polynomialtime reduction to an instance of circuit-SAT
  • Every circuit-SAT instance andmits a linear-time reduction to an instance of 3-SAT
  • 3-SAT is NP-complete, i.e. every NP-problem admits a polynomial-time reduction to an instance of 3-SAT