Psychic energy

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  • Libido, a broader in more generalised form of psychic energy.
  • Sex played the Minimum roll in Human Motivation to Freud's beset by frustrations and actions about his own twarthed Desires sex played a Central role.
  • Psyche Jungs term for personality.
  • Opposition principle three basic principles: opposites, equivalennce and entropy. (Necessary to create psychic energy)
  • Equivalence principle The continuing redistribution of energy within a personality;, if the energy expended on certain conditions or activities, weekends or disappears that energy is transferred elsewhere in the personality.
  • Entropy principle the balance or equilibrium within the personality;The ideal is an equal distribution of psychic energy over all structures of the personality
  • Major systems, ego, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious.
  • Ego conscious aspect of personality
  • Extraversion, an attitude of the psyche characterised by the orientation toward the external world and other people.
  • Introversion, an attitude of the psyche characterised by an orientation towards one's own thoughts and feelings.
  • Sensing and intuiting are grouped together. As non-rational functions, do not use the processes of reason, accept experiences and do not evaluate.
  • 4 functions of the psyche: sensing intuiting, thinking and feeling
  • Sensing produces an experience through the senses the way a photography and object
  • Intuiting does not arise directly from an external stimulus if we believe someone else is with us in a darkened room. Our belief may be based on intuition or a hunch rather than our actual sensary experience.
  • Thinking and feeling rational functions Involve Making judgements and eval about our exp
  • Thinking function involves a conscious judgment of whether an experience is true or false. Feeling express in terms like or dislike pleasantness or unpleasantness, stimulation or dulness.
  • 8 personality types based on interactions of the attitudes. Open t (introversial and extraversions). And the functions (Thinking feeling sensing and intuitioning).
  • Extraverted Thinking logical objective Dogmatic people rely heavily on concrete thoughts, but they may also use abstract ideas if these ideas have been transmitted to them from without, for example, from parents or teachers.
  • Extraverted feeling emotional sensitivity, sociable; more typical of women than men. people use objective data to make evaluations.
  • Extraverted sensing outgoing pleasure seeking adaptable. people perceive external stimuli objectively, in much the

    same way that these stimuli exist in reality.
  • Extraverted intuiting people are oriented toward facts in the external world.
  • Introverted thinking more interested in ideas than in people. people react to external stimuli, but their interpretation of an event is colored more by the internal meaning they bring with them than by the
    objective facts themselves.
  • Introverted feeling reserved, undemonstrative capable of deep emotion. people base their value judgments primarily on subjective
    perceptions rather than objective facts.
  • Introverted sensing outwardly detached, expressing themselves in aesthetic pursuits. sensing people are largely influenced by their subjective sensations
    of sight, sound, taste, touch, and so forth.
  • Introverted intuiting concerned w the unconscious more than everyday reality. are guided by unconscious perception of facts that
    are basically subjective and have little or no resemblance to external reality.
  • personal unconscious The reservoir of material that was once conscious but has been forgotten or suppressed
  • complex To Jung, a core or pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, such as power or status
  • collective unconscious The deepest level of the psyche containing the accumulation of inherited experiences of human and pre-human species.
  • archetypes (primordial images) Images of universal experiences contained in the collective unconscious.
  • These major archetypes include the persona, the anima and animus, the shadow, and the self
  • persona archetype The public face or role a person presents to others.
  • persona refers to a mask that an actor wears to display various roles or faces to the audience. Jung used the term with basically the same meaning
  • The anima and animus archetypes refer to Jung’s recognition that humans are essentially bisexual
  • anima archetype Feminine aspects of the male psyche
  • animus archetype masculine aspects of the female psyche
  • Yin-Yang symbol illustrates the complementary sides of our nature. The dark right side represents feminine aspects (the anima archetype) and the light left side represents masculine aspects (the animus archetype). The dot of the opposite color in each portion indicates the expression of the characteristics of the opposite archetype
  • shadow archetype The dark side of the personality; the archetype that contains primitive animal instincts.
  • self archetype To Jung, the archetype that represents the unity, integration, and harmony of the total personality.
  • wise old man archetyoe of wisdom and meaning, preexisting knowledge of the mysteries of life
  • hero archetype is represented in mythology and legends as a powerful person,
    sometimes part god, who fights against great odds to conquer or vanquish evil in the
    form of dragons, monsters, serpents, or demons. In the end, however, the hero often
    is undone by some seemingly insignificant person or event