biological approach

Cards (16)

  • the biological approach suggests that everything psychological is at first biological
    • must look to biological structures and processes within the body
  • according to the biological approach, all thoughts, feelings and behaviour ultimately have a physical basis
  • Behaviour geneticists study whether behaviour characteristics are inherited in the same way as physical characteristics
  • what studies are used to determine the genetic basis of behaviour?
    Twin studies
    • determine the likelihood that certain traits have an agentic basis by comparing concordance rates
    • monozygotic twins have higher concordance rates than dizygotic twins
  • concordance rates
    the extent to which both (twins) are found to have higher concordance rates
  • genotype
    genetic make-up
  • phenotype
    the way that genes are expressed through physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics
  • the expression of genotypes is inevitably influenced by environmental factors
  • human behaviour depends upon an interaction between inherited factors and the environment
  • Evolution and behaviour
    Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection
    • 'any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an individual's survival will continue in further generations'
  • 2 Strengths of the biological
    • scientific methods of investigation
    • real-life application
  • How does the biological approach use scientific methods of investigation?
    Based on reliable data
    • precise and scientific data: scanning techniques (fMRIs and EEGs)
    • with advances in technology, it is possible to accurately measure biological and neural processes in ways which are not opened to bias
  • how does the biological approach have real-life application?
    increased understanding of biochemical processes has led to the development of psychoactive drugs
    • these have revolutionised treatments for many
    • sufferers can manage their condition and live a relatively normal life
  • 2 limitations of the biological approach
    • Casual Conclusions
    • determinist views of behaviour
  • How does the Biological approach have causal conclusions?
    Offers explanations for mental illness only in terms of neurotransmitters in the brain
    • from studies showing the drugs reduce symptoms
    • discovering an association between two factors doesn't mean that one is a cause
  • How does the Biological approach have a deterministic view of behaviour?
    it sees human behaviour as governed by internal, biological causes over which we have no control
    • implications to the legal system and wider society
    • law states that offenders are seen to be responsible for their actions
    • blaming genes may complicate that principle