Deviation from Social Norms AO3

Cards (2)

  • Deviation from Social Norms
    +It’s useful; used in clinical practice. The key defining characteristics of APD : aggressive, reckless, deceitful and violating the rights of others. Such norms also play part in diagnosing schizoptyal personality disorder where the term strange is used to characterise the thinking, behaviour and appearance of people with the disorder. Thereforeit has value in psychiatry.
  • Deviation from Social Norms
    -cultural and situational relativism.
    A person from one cultural group may label someone from another group as abnormal using their standards rather than the person’s standards. The experience of hearing voices (messages from ancestors) is a norm in some cultures but would be seen as abnormal in the UK. Aggressive and deceitful behaviour is seen as more socially unacceptable in the context of family life than corporate deal - making. This means that it’s difficult to judge deviation from social norms across different situations and cultures.