1.1 The functionalist view on families

Cards (16)

  • What are the criticisms of __ functional fit theory?
    (Parsons) its too neat, social change doesn't happen in such an orderly manner
    church records show that only 10% of families were extended before the industrial revolution, therefore family was already nuclear before
    Young & Wilmott found that extended families were still common in east London in the 70s
  • What are the criticisms of Murdock?
    Feminists say that the idea that the family is essential is ideological because traditional family structures typically disadvantage women
    -it's possible that other institutions could perform the functions above
    -anthropological research has shown that there are other cultures that dont have families e.g. Nayar
  • Why are these theories about the family outdated?
    Because they suggest that all families are traditional and nuclear with men going to work and women in domestic roles
  • Why do feminists think that families exist?
    They think that it exists largely for the benefit of men
  • What do Marxists & feminists think the functionalist view of families is?

    A rosy and idealistic picture of family life
  • What policies can affect families?
    Married couple's allowance could reduce your tax bill by between £353-£912.50 a year
    You can get 30 hours free childcare if your child is 3-4 years old if you work or are on universal credit/tax credit
  • What do functionalists suggest that the nuclear family has become?
    Socially isolated from extended kin
    More reliant on the welfare state
    Geographically separated from wider kin
  • What is the warm bath theory?
    That the woman makes the man's warm bath after his stressful day at work
  • What role does the father typically take?
    Instrumental role
  • What role does the mother typically take?
    Expressive role
  • What functions does Parsons think that the nuclear family needs to perform?

    1. The primary socialisation of children- equip them with basic skills and values
    2. The stabilisation of adult personalities- the family is a place where adults can relax & release tensions
  • What are the two kinds of family structure?
    The nuclear family & the extended family
  • What is Parsons' functional fit theory?
    He believes that the functions of the family will depend on the type of society its found in
  • What is __ Biological analogy?
    (Parsons) He compared society to the body and said that all institutions needs to function to keep society running
  • What are 2 of ___ 4 essential functions of the family?
    Socialisation of the young
    Satisfaction of the sex drive
  • What do functionalists believe that's families do?
    That families help social stability by socialising children into this which reduces conflict and promotes stability