Act 2 Scene 4 of William Shakespeare's Macbeth takes place outside Macbeth's castle
Ross and an old man enter
The old man recalls remembering everything that has happened for 70 years and witnessing many strange and dreadful events, but last night's events surpassed everything else
Ross comments on the unnatural darkness during daytime, suggesting a disturbance in nature reflecting the discord in society
The old man mentions the unnatural events, like a falcon being killed by an owl and Duncan's horses going wild and not obeying anyone
Macduff arrives and discusses the murder of King Duncan, mentioning that Malcolm and Donald Bain, the king's sons, have fled, raising suspicion on them
Macbeth is named the new king and is on his way to be crowned at Scone
Duncan's body is taken to Conquil, where his ancestors' bodies are kept
Macduff decides to go to Fife instead of Scone for the crowning
Ross goes to Scone for the crowning
The old man blesses Ross and everyone trying to turn bad things into good and enemies into friends