Content analysis is useful for research that may be considered unethical, as data already in the public domain can be analyzed without explicit consent
Thematic analysis is a technique that helps identify themes throughout qualitative data.
A theme is an idea or a notion, and can be explicit or implicit. Thematic analysis will produce further qualitative data, but this will be much more refined.
contetn analysis allows reseacher to draw conclusions from qualitative data by systematically classifing the responses
coding allows reseacher to convert qualitative data into quantitative data which can be used for statistical analysis
What are the step for content analysis?
highlight and comment
categorise evidence based on what it contains
repeat for all articles
categories created and edited
operationalise categoes and tally
quantitvative data = stats analysis
what are the steps for thematic analysis?
highlight adn comment
caetgorise eveidence
link categories
shorthand annopations
themes emerge and repeat
qualitative data draw comparison from minor and major themes