Laboratory experiments have high reliability due to control over independent variables, making them easier ot replicate by following standardised procedures
Take more control over extraneous variables to improve reliabilityand prevent them from become confounding
if the correltation is shown to be signifation then ath meaure is deemed ot have agood reliability, a perfect correlations is 1, but +0.8 is a good indication of relaibility
in observer- reliability the psychologist would obseverce the same sitution or event seperately and then theri observation (scores) would be correlated ot see if they are relaible.
Improving reliability : interviews
ensure same interviewer for all interviews to reduce researcher bias, a different reseachers can pose questions differently which can lead to different answers
if same interviewer cannot be used, then another should be trained to reducebias
also changeing interview from unstructued to structed reduces researcher bias