
Cards (10)

  • Reliability is a measure of consistency
  • In psychology, researchers want to ensure that measures are consistent between participants and over time
  • Test-Retest Reliability:
    • Same person or group of people undertake the research measure on different occasions
    • Important to be aware of potential demand characteristics
    • Correlate the scores from the two occasions to determine reliability
  • Inter-Observer Reliability:
    • Refers to the consistency of two or more observers in observing and recording behavior
    • Useful in situations where subjectivity is a risk
    • Important in psychology studies with applied behavioral categories, so they are used in the correct way
  • Improving Reliability: Questionnaires
    • Identify questions impacting reliability and adjust them
    • Rewrite questions to reduce misinterpretation
    • Change open questions to closed questions to limit ambiguity
  • Improving Reliability: Experiments
    • Control over variables influences reliability
    • Laboratory experiments have high reliability due to control over independent variables, making them easier ot replicate by following standardised procedures
    • Take more control over extraneous variables to improve reliabilityand prevent them from become confounding
  • Improving Reliability: Observations
    • Observations rely on researcher's interpretations, important they are being objective and not subjective
    • Operationalize behavioral categories to improve reliability, clear and specific on what consititues the behavior
    • Categories should be clear and specific with no overlap, and no room for personal interpretation
  • if the correltation is shown to be signifation then ath meaure is deemed ot have agood reliability, a perfect correlations is 1, but +0.8 is a good indication of relaibility
  • in observer- reliability the psychologist would obseverce the same sitution or event seperately and then theri observation (scores) would be correlated ot see if they are relaible.
  • Improving reliability : interviews
    • ensure same interviewer for all interviews to reduce researcher bias, a different reseachers can pose questions differently which can lead to different answers
    • if same interviewer cannot be used, then another should be trained to reduce bias
    • also changeing interview from unstructued to structed reduces researcher bias