urochrome - from catabolism of heme; insoluble/unrecyclable heme; produce at constant rate; processing water normally means urine will be yellow
clarity - should be done in clear container
macroscopic analysis - urine
clear - crystal clear
macroscopic analysis - urine
hazy - limited sediment microscopically; not crystal clear; not cloudy enough to obscure what's behind it; can have sediment that's not pathological (e.g. mucous, epithelium)
clear urine is not always normal
macroscopic analysis - urine
cloudy - can see behind, but cannot read easily; can see shadows; large amounts of epithelial cells, RBCs/WBCs, bacteria, yeast, crystals, fecal contamination
macroscopic analysis - urine
turbid - cannot see through urine; same sediment as in cloudy, but in larger amounts
sometimes, if the patient eats things that are high in urates/phosphates, as urine cools, sediment precipitates out
abnormal causes of hazy urines - WBCs/RBCs, bacteria
all urine that is not clear should be examined microscopically
turbidity should correspond to what's seen under the microscope