is a 2- to 3-day simulation in which 10 to 12 candidates perform realistic management tasks under the observation of experts who appraise each candidate’s leadership potential.
The in-basket - All the job related materials are put in “one-box” of where the employee will start his/her simulation.
Leaderless group discussion - Trainers give a leaderless group a discussion question and tell members to arrive at a group decision.
They measure each members:
Interpersonal skills,
Acceptance by the group,
leadership ability,
individual influence.
Management games - Participants solve realistic problems as members of simulated companies competing in a marketplace
Individual oral presentations - Here trainers evaluate each participant’s communication skills and persuasiveness
Testing - These may include tests of personality, mental ability, interests, and achievements
The interview - Most require an interview with a trainer to assess interests, past performance, and motivation.