Work samples - Actual job tasks used in testing applicants’ performance.
Work sampling technique - tries to predict job performance by requiring job candidates to perform one or more samples of the job’s tasks.
-Uses check list, to monitor the skills that has been act by the applicant. Also this serves as the basic compentecy of the job that the applicant must be hit.
Situational Judgement Test
designed to assess an applicant’s judgment regarding a situation encountered in the workplace
Situational test - A test that requires examinees to respond to situations representative of the job.
Video-based simulation - presents the candidate with several online or computer video situations, each followed by one or more multiple-choice questions.
The Miniature Job Training and Evaluation Approach
Involves training candidates to perform several of the job’s tasks, and then evaluating their performance prior to hire.
Realistic Job Previews
Applicants who receive realistic job previews are more likely to turn down job offers, but their employers are more likely to have less turnover
Choosing a Selection Method
The employer needs to consider several things before choosing to use a particular selection tool.