Capstone research is a culminating assignment similar to a college theses
Basic research seeks to expand knowledge in the field of study
Applied research creates practical solutions for specific problems
Conceptual framework serves as the plan or the blueprint of the study
definition of terms includes definitions of words operationally used in the study
introduction serves an an overview of the research topic under investigation
scope and delimitation sets the parameters of the study which narrow down the scope of inquiry
hypothesis states the concrete terms that a researcher expects to happen in the study
significance of the study cites the benefits certain groups people will get from the outcome of the study
statement of the problem clearly expresses the specific direction or focus of the research problem or inquiry
literature review is a process involves identifying, locating, and analyzing documents that contain information related to a researchers research topic
questionnaire most commonly used in survey
experiments requires critical or natural setting in which to perform logical study
tabular a systematic arrangement of related idea in which classes of numerical facts or data are given each row and their sub classes are given each a column
graphical a chart representing the quantitative variations or changes or variables in pictorial or diagrammatic form