JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization.
AHA - American Hospital Association.
A - Analyze the learner.
S- State objectives.
S - Select instructional methods and materials.
U - Use teaching materials.
R - Require learner performance.
E - Evaluate/Revise the teaching/learning process.
Nurses function in the role of educator:
giver of information
accessor of needs
evaluator of learning
revisor of appropriate methodology
Health Education - has long been considered a standard care-giving role.
Patient Teaching - recognized as an independent nursing function.
Nursing Practice - expanded to include education in health and illness.
NLNE - first observed health teaching as an important function within the scope of nursing practice; responsible for identifying course content for curriculum on principles of teaching and learning.
ICN - endorses health education as an essential component for nursing care delivery.
SNPA - universally includes teaching within the scope of nursing practice.
JCAHO - requires evidence of patient education to improve outcomes.
AHA - Patient's Bill of Rights ensures that clients receive complete and current information.
PHPC - puts forth a set of health profession competencies for the 21st century; over 1/2 of recommendations pertain to importance of patient and staff education.
Education Process - a systematic, sequential, planned course of action on the part of both the teacher and learner to achieve the outcomes of teaching and learning.
Teaching/Instruction - a deliberate intervention that involves sharing information and experiences to meet the intended learner outcomes.
Learning - a change in behavior (Knowledge, skills, and attitudes) that can be observed and measured and can occur at any time or in any place as a result of exposure to environmental stimuli.
Patient Education - process of helping clients learn health-related behaviors to achieve the goal of optimal health and independence on self-care.
Staff Education - the process of helping nurses acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills to improve the delivery of quality care to the consumer.
Assure Model - useful paradigm to assist nurses to organize and carry out the education process.
Barriers to Teaching - factors impeding the nurse's ability to optimally deliver educational services.
Obstacles to learning - factors that negatively impact on the learner's ability to attend to and process information.